Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mental Health in the Workplace

Promoting physical health does help a great deal in reducing stress, but mental health claims are still responsible for a large portion of disability costs in organizations. Because stress related disabilities are becoming such a growing concern, organizations have to focus on finding ways to prevent stress. Stressed employees can develop depression, anxiety disorders and suffer from mental burnout resulting in more mental health claims, stress-related sickness absences, and added payroll costs for companies.

One reason for rising stress levels is that technology has advanced a lot over the past decade, allowing us to accomplish more in a day’s work; unfortunately expectations to do more also increases and the pressure to accomplish so many tasks in one day becomes overwhelming. Some ways that companies can promote mental health is by adopting psychiatric health benefit programs and provide employees with a predictable work schedule and plenty of guaranteed personal time. Psychiatric health benefit programs can help to detect symptoms of stress early so that serious stress related problems can be prevented. A predictable work schedule is ideal for employees because it makes it easier for employees to balance their personal life with work. Employees that visit with family and friends on a regular and predictable basis are much happier, and less likely to experience stress related illness.

By assuring that employees are healthy mentally and physically, companies are successful in reducing absenteeism and increasing overall productivity and efficiency. Because stress-related mental disabilities are not well understood, they are often overlooked. More companies are acknowledging that these disabilities are serious and are taking action to prevent them.


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